Low Carbon City


Talk: Beyond Net Zero – Pathways to Climate Positivity

  On February 15, 2023, Low Carbon City engaged in a conversation with Ian Monroe, a professor at the School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences at Stanford University. Ian Monroe presented his latest book, *Solving Climate Change: A Guide for Learners and Leaders*, co-authored with Jonathan Koomey. His message is clear: the planet is …

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“Second Meeting of Voices from the Territories”

   Second Meeting of Voices from the TerritoriesThe second meeting of Voices from the Territories took place in the San Cristóbal district on November 25, where 15 community organizations visited the Association of Rural Women Siempre Vivas to reflect on the connection between urban and rural areas and the care needed for this relationship, which …

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“Citizen Voices for Climate Action”

   We asked what citizens prioritize regarding environmental issues before the campaign for local elections. We listened to citizen voices for Climate Action, and the main topics highlighted include inadequate waste management and the water pollution it generates, air pollution and its impact on residents’ health, and the lack of incentives for sustainable mobility (such …

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“Indi-gestion Report”

   We conducted a review of the “Medellín Futuro 2020-2023” Development Plan. Alongside 10 social organizations from Medellín, we examined the Development Plan because the achievements reflected in the management reports of the Medellín Mayor’s Office seemed to not represent the reality of our city. After analyzing various indicators in which each social organization has …

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“Meeting Cities for Children and Adolescents”

   **A Call to Action to Build Healthy and Sustainable Territories**   On Saturday, September 23, 2023, the forum “Cities for Children and Adolescents” was held, providing a space for the inclusion of the opinions and perspectives of children and adolescents from the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley regarding how they believe the city should …

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“Citizen Award for Climate Change”

https://youtu.be/uLWEIdeUPvM%20 It is the first award in Latin America to recognize citizen initiatives that are part of the solution. We received 81 proposals from 8 countries, and 14 finalist projects competed for a $500 prize to scale their projects. The organization El Transformador from Bogotá won with the project “Buen Provecho, a gesture that feeds,” …

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“Citizen Award: How to Improve Air Quality? MiMedellín.org”

CHALLENGE Pollution is a pressing issue that affects us all, and every citizen has a role to play in addressing it. Together with MiMedellín, we launched a challenge aimed at finding collective, effective, and low-cost solutions that could be implemented in the short to medium term to improve air quality and increase citizen participation in …

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“Fair Climate Action Guide for Public Office Candidates and Decision-Makers”

Fair Climate Action Guide for Public Office Candidates and Decision-Makers At Low Carbon City, with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Bogotá office in Colombia, we believe that collective climate action is the answer. We have published the **Fair Climate Action Guide for Public Office Candidates and Decision-Makers**, which serves as an invitation to …

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