Low Carbon City

“Fair Climate Action Guide for Public Office Candidates and Decision-Makers”

Fair Climate Action Guide for Public Office Candidates and Decision-Makers

At Low Carbon City, with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Bogotá office in Colombia, we believe that collective climate action is the answer. We have published the **Fair Climate Action Guide for Public Office Candidates and Decision-Makers**, which serves as an invitation to elected officials to make the climate agenda with a justice focus a transversal and priority axis in development plans. The guide encourages addressing the climate crisis from a human rights and gender equity perspective, transforming climate action into an opportunity to work towards closing social and economic gaps. It also provides various initiatives that demonstrate the feasibility of applying these response approaches.

In this collective construction exercise, we collaborated with eleven civil society organizations and non-profit entities (El Derecho a No Obedecer, Presentes Corporación, FOLU Colombia, Movimiento de Laderas, Polen Transiciones Justas, Ciudad en Movimiento, Movimiento por el aire y la salud pública del Valle de Aburrá, Colectivo Voces por el Clima, Saving the Amazon, Espora Semillas Originarias, Extinction Rebellion Medellín), a public and scientific entity (Instituto Humboldt), a public-private entity (Emvarias), a political foundation (Heinrich Böll Foundation Bogotá office), and four private companies (Diorama Consulting, Incyclo, Emergente Energía Sostenible, Enka). We present 150 recommendations and proposals for decision-makers to include in their development plans and territorial programs. Additionally, the guide contains 81 case studies from Colombia and other countries to support the implementation of the recommendations and proposals provided.

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